Taking Care Of The Ones You Love - Part 1

We have all been there. We buy an amazing piece of jewelry and do one of two things, we either save it for a special occasion or wear it every day. But rarely do we stop to think if we are taking care of our jewels in the proper way. Do some pieces require more attention than others? Is there a difference in how we treat different metals? What about gemstones? Well friends I am here to help you find your way through this elaborate maze of jewelry care with a three-part blog on how to properly care for your pieces. Today we talk about prevention and day to day wear.  Here are five simple steps to ensuring that your jewelry stays almost as new as the day you bought it.

1. Take off Jewelry before tasks

the best way to ensure that your jewelry can stay pristine is to ensure that it does not go through unnecessary conditions that expose it to different chemicals, cleaning fluids, or physical harm. Cleaning products that are used in our daily lives can damage the metals and stones. Make sure that all rings and bracelets are removed before washing dishes, gardening, cleaning the house or other activities that can lead to unnecessary exposure to your jewelry.


2. When you put it on matters

It is always best to put on jewelry after getting ready to face the day. Cosmetics such as hairspray, perfumes, and lotions can be harmful to jewelry and can deteriorate metals over time. Make sure that jewelry is the last part of getting ready for the day. It should also be the first part of getting ready for bed for the same reasons.


3. Avoid water 

Jewelry can also be sensitive to water. Water tends to corrode things over time and your jewelry is no exception. Safely store your jewelry before entering a pool, spa, shower, or any body of water. 


4. Sports/ Exercise are not jewelry’s best friend

As mentioned above any blunt force to jewelry should be avoided. Although many metals are made of the highest quality they are still vulnerable to damage from direct contact. It is safest to store jewelry than to risk an accident and damage your beloved jewels.


5. Don’t toss it in the bottom of a bag

When you store Jewelry remember that it can still be susceptible to damage even in our bags or pockets. The best way to store jewelry when not in use is to place it in a cotton or soft bag. This will prevent scratches and any accidental damage from coins and keys.


Taking advantage of these five simple steps will ensure your jewelry will look elegant for years and that you are the envy of your friends. Come back in two days for part 2 of how to care for the most common types of jewelry when not in use.



