Sustainably Growing Your Own Food From Scraps

America has an ugly truth that few people are aware of and contribute to every single day. We are talking about food waste. America has billions of pounds of food waste, that’s right Billions. Dr. Roni Neff, a Johns Hopkins University researcher, estimates that if America recovered all the food waste we could provide a 2,000-calorie diet to 84% of the population. Although most of this food waste can be attributed to food standards, it also comes from many households. Today Enji wants to help you end food waste and sustainable grow your own produce from food you would throw away.



Many of the herbs that you have in your fridge can be reproduced in your own kitchen. Growing them is simple. You just need a four-inch stem and put it in a clear glass. Put enough water in the glass to cover the stem, but leave the leaves above the water. Avoid direct sunlight, but make sure the area is bright. Transplant the roots into the soil once they get to be about two inches long.


Green Onions and Garlic

It is easy to grow green onions and garlic as well. Simply submerge any sprouted garlic clove or a green onion end in water and allow sprouts to grown. Transfer to potted soil after a few days and watch as your plants begin to grow.


Lettuce, Bok Choy, and Cabbage

Lettuce is a staple in many kitchen and dinners, so it is lucky that lettuce is easy to grow. If you haven’t noticed that pattern yet, the easier produces are submerged in water and then transferred into soil. It is the same for lettuce, bok choy and cabbage. Leave the bottom of the head intact, and trim the stem to have a fresh surface. Submerge in water and mist with water every day. Transfer to soil when heads begin to sprout.



Tomatoes are a little harder to grow but you begin by rinsing the tomatoe seeds and allow them to dry. After a few days of drying you can plan them in soil and in no time, you will have a fully-grown tomato plant. You can transfer the plant outdoors or keep it inside where there is plenty of sunlight.


Root Plants

Root plants, turnips grow well from clippings or leftover scraps. You just need to salvage the tops of the turnip and place in a container of water. You should notice new green tops growing in just a few days after you begin. Allow the root to continue growing until it’s ready to be transplanted in the ground. This works with many root vegetables such as beets, turnips and even parsnips.


