Taking Care Of The Ones You Love - Part 3

It has been a great week here at Enji. I have tried different greener cleaning techniques for metals and shared how to properly care for your favorite jewelry pieces. Although this will be my last post for the week I am excited to share what I have learned with you. Today I will be sharing my research on cleaning and storing gemstones. There are many stones and here at Enji we continue to explore and learn more about different stones and gems each day. We advise you to seek the original jeweler for questions about cleaning your jewelry if you are unsure what stone you own. Here are some easy ways to care for your most common precious stones.



A girl’s best friend, or so I have heard. Diamonds are known for being the strongest gemstone on earth and although they are a powerhouse, they still require special attention. To keep your diamonds shining at its very best you should be conscious of what products you use. Lotions, soaps, and powders, such as makeup, can make diamonds look dull and reduce its stunning effect.

●      Avoid tough work. We covered that diamonds are the strongest gemstones on earth and do not scratch, however this does not mean a diamond will not chip on impact with a sharp object. It is better to safely store diamonds before work.

●      To clean a diamond a mixture of soap and water works best to remove any dirt. You can use a soft brush if you have any hard to reach spots in the design.

●      Be mindful of the metal your diamond is mounted on and make sure to care for it properly too.

●      Avoid touching diamond with unwashed hands to reduce oil transfer. Like I said, this can reduce the diamond’s shine.


Colored stones

There are a lot of different stones which we could discuss, but it would be very difficult to talk about them all on a single blog post. However, I will give you some information on how to care for general colored stones. Consult your original jeweler on the stone and how to care for it for more information.

●      Prevent your stone from getting dirty by wiping it with a soft cloth after wearing it. This will ensure that it keeps its clarity over time.

●      Again, like silver, avoid water and harsh chemicals. These can slowly eat at the polish many stones have applied to them after production.

●      As discussed in part 1 of this series, put your jewelry on after you have finished getting ready for the day. And take them off when you get home to avoid exposure to cosmetic chemicals. These can also diminish the clarity of your stones.

●      Do not expose stones to extreme and rapid temperature changes. These stones are very delicate and can easily crack or chip if temperatures are too extreme.

●      When in doubt consult a jeweler. It is very easy to misidentify a stone with a similar color, so to avoid potential harm it is safer to consult a professional.



Although pearls are official not a gemstone, it still named as one by the jewelry industry due to it is popular beautiful and elegant look. Pearls are formed in mollusk from a naturally occurring calcium carbonate coating called Nacre. This gives pearls their distinct colors and various shapes. But because it is not formed in the crust of the earth, but rather by nature, it can make this “gemstone” particularly more delicate than most colored stones. Here are some ways they require special attention.

●      Make sure that your pearls do not have contact with any chemicals. Being one of the softest substances, scratches can put them at risk of dissolving.

●      Whipping pearls with a soft cloth works best for regular cleaning.

●      Mild soap and water works best if your pearl does become dirty and a soft cloth does not work. Be careful as any abrasive materials can scratch your pearls.

●      Do not toss pearls carelessly into storage. Other pieces of jewelry have the potential to damage your pearls, and therefore they should be stored with care.

●      Ordinary wear and tear can weaken the strength of the thread for pearl necklaces. It is best to get pearls restrung once a year to prevent breakage and loss of pearl necklaces.


Now that you are a “jewelry expert” let me know if you have any suggestions for next week's blog posting or postings you would like to see in the future. Enji cares about your jewelry and industry questions and we love being transparent and honest with our audience. Subscribe to our newsletter for more information on Enji and any awesome events we might have in the future.


